Welcome to the Wonderful Welch School!
August 23, 2019August 9, 2019
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the Wonderful Welch School! I hope you, along with your family and friends, have had a wonderful summer! The teachers and I look forward to working with you this coming year. We are anticipating an exciting year of learning and community building. We hope to meet everyone during our school sponsored events. I would like to take this opportunity to share information you will need to know for the 2019-2020 school year.
Your child’s teacher and homeroom assignment will be mailed to you.
The first day of school for students in Grades 1-5 is Tuesday, September 3, 2019.
You will receive a copy of your child’s profile. Please see office for any ADDRESS, TELEPHONE or EMERGENCY CONTACT changes.
Kindergarten screening letters have been sent home. We are excited to invite you to a new Kindergarten Open House on Friday, September 6th from 9:30 – 11:30 (Parents must accompany their children). Your child’s classroom assignment will be shared at that time. The first full day of school for Kindergarten students is on Monday, September 9, 2019.
Pre-School begins on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
School begins at 8:50 AM and students are dismissed at 2:55 PM. Prompt arrival and attendance is of the utmost importance for a positive learning experience.
Bus Routes will be posted on the district’s website at www.peabody.k12.ma.us.
Universal FREE breakfast and lunch is served daily.
After School Programs are offered through For Kids Only and the YMCA.
Please check Class Dojo for those who are already connected. Do not hesitate to contact the school over the next week at 978-536-5775 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to a positive and productive school year!
Michelle Massa
Categorized in: Welch Elementary