Food Service

We participate in the “Offer vs. Serve” program. A lunch must offer the 5 components of what the NSLP considers to be a well-balanced, nutritional, reimbursable meal. The 5 components are.

  1. Meat or Meat alternative (Proteins such as Legumes, Tofu, Cheese)
  2. Grains (Breads, Rice, Cereal, Pasta)
  3. Fruits
  4. Vegetables
  5. Milk (Can be purchased individually at the Point of Sale system. The students can either pay cash or have their parents utilize MYSchoolBucks and set up an account)

Under the new Guidelines for any meal to be considered a well-balanced, nutritional, reimbursable meal, we must offer all 5 of these components, but your children only have to take 3 as long as one of their choices is a fruit or vegetable. This is why it’s called “offer vs. serve.” Your children may take all 5 components, but only have to take 3 for it to be considered a meal.

With the new regulations under the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2012, all grains have to be at least 51% Whole Grain (pasta has to be whole grain, rice, has to be brown rice, all of the Breads for sandwiches have to be at least 51% whole Grain). Knowing this the food service distributors, have tried to develop products that are not only compliant, but also that your children will eat and enjoy.

Free and Reduced Lunch program offers a well-balanced, nutritional, reimbursable meal to all families who are eligible, but it must qualify as a meal under the state and federal guidelines. A la’ Carte items are not included in this program (snacks, waters, extra servings). All of these items are to be paid for separately. 

We are striving to find healthy nutritious meals and snacks for your children under the state and federal guidelines that they enjoy. We use the John Stalker Institute A-list as a guide and all snacks sold are compliant with all of the aforementioned guidelines.

2024-2025 Food Service Survey

Maureen Rose

Food Service Director 978-536-4630

Christine Flynn

Assistant Food Service Director