Welcome to Higgins Middle School and the 2017-2018 school year
October 12, 2017With almost 1400 students, we are the largest middle school in Massachusetts. To keep our “small school” feel we break each grade into clusters of approximately 95 students. Students go to their core content area classes within the cluster, but travel to “exploratories” with kids from across the grade. Exploratory class offerings include: physical education, art, technology engineering, digital media, health, foreign language, music, band, chorus, theater, math & ELA lab and seminar, and culinary arts.
Each grade level is overseen by a housemaster and a guidance counselor that run the day-to-day operations. For general questions about the school feel free to call the office at 978.536.4800. For grade-level specific questions, please contact either the housemaster or guidance counselor.
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