Welcome Back PVMHS
September 3, 2018I would like to welcome our students back for the 2018–2019 school year and a special welcome to the Class of 2022! As I begin my sixth year as principal and my 28th year in the Peabody Public Schools, I look forward to a great year. Our school has over 1400 students and is a diverse school in many ways.
Our high school offers many programs and classes so that students have a number of opportunities to explore their interests. Along with the academic offerings, including multiple AP courses, electives, JROTC and Career Technical Education programs, we have a number of sports, clubs and award-winning performing arts programs available to students during and after the school day.
Our students are required to receive 115 credits in specific content areas. A community service component was added by the School Committee for students to complete at least 40 hours of community service during their high school careers.
This year, we have embarked upon some major curricular and programmatic revisions to continue to provide our students with the most relevant and authentic high school program to provide college and career readiness. As a professional learning community, we continue to collaborate in small teams to analyze our practices and calibrate our assessments to improve teaching and learning. Student safety, learning and achievement remains our core mission. The high school has almost 200 teachers and supportive staff to help make our students high school experience productive and enjoyable. Just check the school calendar and you will begin to understand the numerous events that happen throughout the school year.
If you would like to learn more about our school and what it has to offer feel free to call the main office at 978-536-4500. You can use the school directory to find your student’s Dean or teachers and email them with any concerns.
Looking forward to a great year!
Mr. Eric Buckley
Categorized in: PVMHS