
Welch School Home Learning Plan

April 6, 2020

Hello Wonderful Welch School Families!

CLASS DOJO is our private site and is the location that all school communication initially go through.  If you are not signed up please click this link.

You can also check out our school wide Welch School Home Learning Plan for a 1 stop resource for subject information, specialist posts, activities and general school ideas. These sites give you as parents more general “whole school” activities and enrichment resources. Welch School enrichment activity resource guide

Please continue to work directly with your child’s teacher for daily assignments via Class Dojo and Google Classroom. Their posts should be your child’s first line of school access.  Don’t forget that home learning is not all online learning.  It is cooking, and getting organized, walking/hiking or exploring.  It is spending time with family, playing board games and cards.  Our main concern is that everyone has food and is safe.  Please reach out if you need anything.

I will also continue to post on Welch School Class DoJo site and send emails and calls.

Hope you are all doing well! We miss you!

Best Regards,

Ms. Massa

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