
Together We Will Heal

January 14, 2020

Dear Faculty, Citizens, and Friends,

November was a tough month for the Peabody school district and the city. We lost three beautiful people: Superintendent Cara Murtagh, high school assistant principal Judy Maniatis, and eighth-grader Jackson Frechette. Each of them had their unique personalities that touch so many people. They were gentle, kind, and loving individuals. Their sudden passing has impacted all of us. And, I am so sorry for the loss. Their emotional passing has caused us grief and sorrow like the loss of a family member. We may become incredibly sad, upset, or withdrawn. We will miss them: their laughter, their favorite sayings, and their encouragement. We will remember them by recounting humorous stories or significant events. We all grieve differently: some people reflect in silence while others share with friends. Some focus on projects and rarely reveal their feelings. Others talk with a professional, take walks, or write letters. So, as a community, what do we do? How do we help each other to heal and move on? Let us start with what we can do together as a city. As we continue to heal, let us be extra kind to one another. Let us be supportive and compassionate.
Over the next six months, I will be working with a collective group of people to implement a caring and healing plan for the district. We will need each other as we recover together. But I know, and I promise that in the end, everything will be okay.

Peabody Strong!

Marc Kerble
Interim Superintendent

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