MCAS Calendar
January 23, 2018Dear Parents/Caregivers of Grades 3 – 10 Students:
The MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) is designed to measure each individual student’s academic progress, as well as each school system’s delivery of instruction. Our Teachers and Principals have been working very hard to insure that we provide excellent opportunities to learn and grow. I now ask you, as Parents/Caregivers, to assist in the final stages of preparation. As individual grade level test approach, some of the ways that you can help include:
- Be sure that your child is well rested by having a good night’s sleep prior to each test
- Be sure that your child has a good breakfast on the morning of each test and that they are on time for school
- Encourage your child to do their personal best — but be sure not to overemphasize this test and cause undue stress
- Continue your normal daily routine at home — and try no to let your child become overextended with outside activities during this period
With the cooperation and efforts of all of us, I feel that our student will do their best! An overall MCAS testing schedule is included for your reference. However, on occasion the schedule may vary due to last minute changes by the State
Click Here for the 2018 MCAS Calendar
Thank you for your efforts,
Herbert W. Levine, Ph.D.
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Cara E. Murtagh
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
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