
International Day at Center School

January 12, 2019

Dear Center School Families,

Center School is proud of our diverse community. As educators, we work hard every day to be role models of kindness, acceptance, inclusion, teamwork and peace for our learners. Each Center School student, family and staff member has their own unique cultural heritage, traditions and celebrations. This is what makes being a Center School Citizen so special!

January 24, 2019 is International Day of Education; a United Nations sponsored day of  recognition focused on the importance of celebrating the role of education in promoting peace and development world wide. This is the perfect day to have an international themed spirit day at Center School.

Over the next two months, our students will be participating in academic activities, events and discussions focused on learning about various world cultures, as well as, upcoming Dr. Martin Luther King Day and President’s Day holidays.  Center School Art, Music and P.E. educators will be teaching our students international art, music and games. We will also continue to nurture kindness, acceptance and teamwork through social-emotional learning standards and guidance curriculum resources. Our goal is to integrate the theme, “We Are All Global Citizens” throughout the Center School community.

We want each Center School family to be involved in our international celebration. Please consider participating in the following ways:

  • Send your child to school on Thursday, January 24th dressed in any clothing unique to your culture; a t-shirt representing a particular country or sports team (including if your child wants to wear USA/Peabody sport team clothing.) The choice is up to you and your child!
  • Contact me, Mrs. Orphanos, at or 978-536-5475 if you, your child or a family acquaintance would be willing to present a dance, demonstrate a simple game, perform music or teach students a song (5-10 minutes maximum) unique to your family’s culture during a 1:45pm all-school assembly on Thursday, January 24th. Contact me with your unique ideas! (Unfortunately because of food allergies in multiple classrooms, this school day celebration will not feature international food.)  
  • Contact your child’s classroom teacher or our art, music or P.E. teacher if you would like to share a special story, musical talent or craft in your child’s class.
  • We are making a paper MULTICULTURAL QUILT for our school. Our goal is that each student and staff member will decorate a paper square to represent their cultural heritage. Quilt squares can be decorated with drawings, words, photographs, flags and craft items…as long as the squares are not too heavy be displayed on a wall. This project will be sent home next week and will be due on or before Friday, January 18th, so we can have our quilt on display for International Day on the 24th.

Contact me with any creative ideas, resources and questions.

Happy New Year!

Mrs. Orphanos

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