
Inclement Weather Days 2020-2021

December 16, 2020

Dear Families,

The global pandemic has impacted our students and families in many ways. Two areas of concern within our schools has been the loss of learning and the impact on the mental health of our students. As a result, we have decided to engage in remote learning on inclement weather days this year. Given the fragmented nature of learning environments over the past ten months, the continuity of instruction is extremely important for students. In addition, it is arguably more important to provide our students with access to their teachers, support staff and classmates. The pandemic has left many of our students feeling isolated and alone. Engaging in a remote learning day will ensure they have access to teachers, counselors and peers throughout the day.

In general, we will make every effort to notify families of a remote learning day due to inclement weather as soon as possible. Typically we’ll strive to make the announcement via Twitter (@Peabody_Super), e-mail, and phone call the evening before the remote learning day. Schedules will be structured to allow families some time in the morning to clear snow, followed by some structured learning activities with a break for lunch and additional unstructured time (to go outside or enjoy indoor activities). The day will conclude with additional structured learning time and check-ins with school staff. Principals will share a detailed schedule for each school.

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we navigate these challenging times.

Thank you and stay safe,

Josh Vadala

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