
Destination ImagiNation Informational Meeting

October 4, 2018

Destination ImagiNation™ is the world’s largest non-profit, volunteer-driven organization devoted to helping kids gain practical life skills through interesting, entertaining, and mind-boggling challenges. This school-based program begins in fall when each year’s new “challenges” are issued. Student teams present their challenge solutions at a regional tournament competing against other teams in the same challenge in the same age bracket hoping to earn their way to the “Global Finals”. All the challenges are designed to follow the educational standards. If you would like more information getting your child involved in this exciting program please attend this informational meeting. Memberships are available for all interested students in the Peabody Public School District and are limited by the number of adults willing to serve as team managers. A head team manager must be at least 18 years of age. Considering the benefits Destination ImagiNation™ offers, it is certainly one of the best values in enrichment education today.


When:    Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Where:   Brown School, Room 336

Time:      6:30pm

             Please park in the back lot; enter in the glass doors by the gym;

             follow stairs to the 2nd floor.


For additional information:

Peabody program:  Diane Bugler at:

Massachusetts DI  website:

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