
December 21st Peabody Firefighters will be visiting our school!

November 20, 2018

Dear Brown Families,


On Friday, December 21st, some of the Peabody Firefighters will be visiting our school. This year marks the seventh anniversary of the tragic loss of Jim Rice, a Peabody Firefighter and father of three former Brown School students.  In honor of Jim Rice’s memory, we have annually invited the firefighters to the school so that we can show them our appreciation. Students make cards, sing songs and present the firefighters with tokens of our appreciation.


We will be collecting the donations listed below from December 3 through December 19th. All donations can be sent to your child’s teacher or to Mrs. Goldsworthy’s Classroom, Room 201. If you would like to make a monetary donation, we will then purchase any of the items not received. Please address the envelope to Courtney Goldsworthy.


Please take the time to discuss with your child(ren) the roles the firefighters play in our community. Remind them that they will be working during the holiday season and often have to leave their families on holidays so that we are safe. Thank you for all of your support!


Firefighter List of Donations

*Any other things that you can think of are welcome as well. Please don’t worry about getting duplicates of these items, because all stations could us them.

2 Electric can openers

Set of forks

Set of butter knives

3 Cookie Sheets

6 Oven Mitts

Several sets of dish towels

Ice cream scoop

Set of cutlery

Kitchen Scissors


Food Processor

Food Emulsifier



Nespresso K-Cups

Hot Chocolate K-Cups

2 Potato Peelers

Glass Baking Dishes


Set of 8” Plates

Set of Teaspoons

Salad Spinner

Cooper (teflon free) Frying Pans





Mixing Bowls

Drinking Glasses

2 Basting Brushes

10 Twin sized blankets

Fillet Knives

Butcher Knives

Chef Knives

2 Knife Sharpeners

Soups Bowls

Turkey Roasting Pan

3 Sets of Soup Spoons

Soup Ladle

5 Grill Brushes

Measuring Cups


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