
Dear Brown Families

August 28, 2018

Dear Brown Families,

It has been a wonderful summer here at the Brown.  I am so excited to be Brown’s new Principal, and Mr. Throwe is so happy to be Brown’s new Assistant Principal!  Mr. Throwe and I hope your summer has been filled with sunshine, wonder, and fun! We hope the break was refreshing and you are ready for a great school year, because we certainly are!  

Our custodians have been working hard to make our school as clean as possible and ready for you and the teachers!  Our greatest appreciation and thanks are extended to Mr. DelSonno, Mr. Kotchian, and Mr. Cassista. Mr. Throwe and I have been working hard to get to know the Brown community and are ready to take on new tasks and be the best we can for you all, the staff, and most importantly the students.

Below is some important information to help you plan for your return to school:

  • The first day of school for students in grades 1-5 is Wednesday, September 5, 2018.
  • Kindergarten screening will be held on Wednesday, 9/5/18 and Thursday, 9/6/18 (Kindergarten families should have received an appointment letter in the mail). The first full day of school for Kindergarten students is on Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
  • School begins at 8:50 AM. Prompt arrival and attendance is of the utmost importance for a positive and successful learning experience.  All students should be lined up on the side of the school (the side nearest the ice cream stand) promptly at 8:50 AM.  The first ten minutes of the day are extremely important for your child’s daily success. Tardiness will be closely monitored this year.  Please ensure your child’s prompt arrival to school each day.
  • Students are dismissed at 2:55 PM. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up promptly at this time. Make sure that you have given the school ALL important telephone numbers.
    Several important notices and forms will be sent home during the first week of school.  Please
    return them to school promptly as they will provide us with important information on your child.
  • Bus Routes will be posted in the local papers prior to the start of school. Bus Routes are also available on the district’s website at  You may also contact the transportation department at 978-536-6581 with any additional questions.
  • Check your e-mail for Brown’s first electronic newsletter, The Brown School Broadcast.  This newsletter will be sent out weekly to families.  Our system allows for 1 email address per student to receive email correspondence.  Therefore, I am working to set up my own distribution list of Brown families. If you would like to receive the weekly edition of The Brown School Broadcast, please send me an email at:
  • The Brown Back-to-School Orientation Night will be held on Monday, September 24, 2018 from 6:00-8:00 PM.  Additional information about the opening of school is posted on the district’s website at
  • Brown School will continue to offer the afterschool program FKO (For Kids Only).   This is a fee based after school program for students in grade K-5. Application packets will be available at the Brown School Office or you may download a registration form online at For more information please call 978-740-5437.
  • Students have a choice of buying a school lunch at a reasonable cost or bringing lunch from home.  If bringing from home, lunch boxes/bags should be clearly marked with your child’s name and teacher’s name.  All money should be sent in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s full name and homeroom, or you can pay online through  It is also recommended that you provide your child with a nutritious morning snack, which will be eaten in the classroom.
  • Enclosed please find  information on general procedures such as arrival, dismissal, directions on where to line up and information regarding the traffic pattern. Kindly take a moment to familiarize yourself with these documents prior to the start of the school year.



Please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time at 978-536-4100 or by email at or if you have any questions or concerns.  The teachers, Mr. Throwe, and I look forward to working with you because we believe a strong partnership between school and home is imperative.  One of our first priorities is to get to know each student and to make connections with their families, because putting students’ needs first is paramount.

We look forward to an amazing school year.  Enjoy the remaining days of summer!


Mrs. King and Mr. Throwe

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