Brown’s wonderfully diverse and truly special population
October 23, 2018Dear Brown Families,
Brown has a wonderfully diverse and truly special population. We are so proud of our staff and students, and how we do all we can to find ways to include and teach all our students. Every classroom at the Brown is considered an to be inclusive classroom, with students of varying abilities, disabilities, levels, and skills. Each classroom may see supports from our support staff including (but not limited to): the reading teacher, the Title 1 Team, the guidance counselor/school adjustment counselor, and the BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst). However, we do have some Special Education Programs at the Brown, as well. Brown currently houses the Milestones Program, the ASD Program, and the ASD Co-Taught Model, the Connections Program. Information on all these programs is available on the district website:
Milestones is our ADL class (Activities of Daily Living) that focuses on functional skills and is taught by a special education staff members and supported by several paraprofessionals. Milestones is designed for students with who require significant modifications to content, methodology and performance criteria as well as functional skills in areas that will support access to school/content/community. Our ASD Program is designed for students with Autism who require communication and behavioral support as well as a small, highly structured, specialized environment and significant modifications
Children placed in the ASD Co-Taught Model, the Connections Program, have a general education and special education teacher in the classroom for all academic subjects. There are also itinerant staff such as a speech language pathologist, school adjustment counselor and occupational therapist available as needed to provide lessons to the classroom and/or assistance as required. In the Co-Taught Model the two teachers, along with the paraprofessionals, become a collaborative teaching team to support the needs of struggling learners as well as challenge the students who need more challenge, thereby meeting the learning needs of every child.
All students at the Brown are part of an active, hands-on classroom environment with a strong emphasis on student engagement, student growth, and innovative instructional practices. The teachers differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all the students their wonderfully diverse classrooms.
We are all very excited to have such talented staff working in all of our classrooms and implementing the co-teaching model at the Brown School. If you have any questions about what we’ve just shared, please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs. King and Mr. Throwe
Aim High…Together We Will Fly!
Categorized in: Brown Elementary