Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
August 20, 2019
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
During arrival and dismissal, each grade and classroom has a specific location where they will be dropped off and picked up by parents. Students will line up in that location to wait for their teacher (in the morning) or parent (in the afternoon). Please note that changes were made during the year last year and the following chart displays the most updated grade level locations.
The Brown School offers the following options for Student Arrival//Dismissal:
- Walk
- Park on street or church parking lot and walk to line-up area on the side of school
- School Bus
Please do NOT pull into the driveway in the front or in the back of the school (this is for buses and staff parking only).
For arrival & dismissal, students in grades 4 & 5 will go through door #11, (south side, nearest the ice cream shop).
For arrival & dismissal, students in grades 1, 2 & 3 will go through door #9 (patio door).
For arrival, students in kindergarten will go through door #11, (south side, nearest the ice cream shop).
For dismissal, students in kindergarten will exit through door #12 (tall staircase, closer to street than door #11).
Each class will have an assigned spot within their grade level, as indicated on the diagram. Students should remain in their lines quietly while waiting to enter or be dismissed from school.
Teachers will come down to meet students at the line-up area in the morning and walk them to the line-up area to dismiss.
Students will not be dismissed unless a parent or guardian is directly seen by the grade level teacher.
Doors #9, #11, and #12 will close at 8:50 AM and remain locked throughout the day.
Any student arriving after 8:50 AM should come to the front door (Door # 1) and sign in at the Main Office.
Categorized in: Brown Elementary