Students with emotional disabilities who require modification and support beyond what can be provided in the least restrictive environment Students are provided with accommodations, modifications, services support models and individual behavior support plans all while being monitored and adjusted individually over time.
- Substantially separate or partial inclusion based on needs of the student as outlined in his/her IEP.
- Significant modifications to methodology and performance criteria and content as outlined in student’s IEP.
- Integrated behavior support and skill instruction
- School Adjustment Counselor assigned to program
In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 2004) and Massachusetts special education regulations, 603 CMR 28.00, the Peabody Public School District provides screenings and/or evaluations for all children residing in Peabody, between the ages of 3-21, when parents, caretakers, and/or teachers suspect the presence of a disability. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine eligibility for special education services. This notice applies to children residing in Peabody who attend either public or private schools. If you suspect your child may have an educational disability, please contact your child’s principal or the Special Education Chairperson for your neighborhood school. (please see directory)